Exeter Gardens

I’m Gonna Git You, SOCKER

By August 9, 2012 No Comments

Ikea is now offering SOCKER: a miniature greenhouse. (What, no umlaut? What’s the matter, IKEA marketing people, are you getting too lazy to put umlauts on your products? I demand an umlaut, else I’ll bÖycÖtt the Swedish meatballs with the lingonberry sauce. Oh, who am I kidding? Those things are delicious. But I digress…)

My question is how this is all supposed to work. Can you only grow bonzai in there? Can you plow mini-fields by attaching a yoke harness to your gerbils? Is there a foot-binding principle here that prevents your midget plants from growing beyond the bounds of its Lilliputian frame?

Well, whatever the case, surely there’s some inventive IKEA hack for this diminutive hothouse. At a pinch, it could be made into a jaunty hat, or … wait … a lunchbox that grows and stores your food at the same time!

(Patent pending, all you vultures out there.)

via Gizmodo, and courtesy of a delightful young lady with a soft-spot for miniature horses.

Author H Westbrook

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