
ChangingMedia Proud to Sponsor Purim Pandemonium

By March 14, 2014 3 Comments

ChangingMedia is proud and delighted to be an official sponsor of Purim Pandemonium: Art Comes Alive! Come celebrate the carnival of mischief and chaos dressed as your favorite work of art, sip Artinis with the Mona Lisa …


… an Apple Magritta with the Son of Man … the-son-of-man-1964



120px-Van_Gogh_Self-Portrait_with_Straw_Hat_1887-Detroit … or a Dark and Starry Night with Van Gogh. 


Saturday at 9pm @ the Jewish Museum of Maryland. Snap up your tickets before it’s too late!

Author Hasdai Westbrook

Variously described as "ChangeMonger-in-Chief," "dreamer and schemer," and "evil genius for good," Hasdai is the founder of ChangingMedia, a digital agency that helps visionary organizations harness the power of new media to create social change. An enthusiastic passport collector, Hasdai became a U.S. citizen on the 4th of July and is a fierce patriot with little to no interest in soccer. He has transformed a derelict lot into a flourishing urban farm as co-founder of Exeter Gardens, and is trying to make textiles sing with the Synesthesia Musical Loom Project. He has been carjacked in Baltimore but still loves it. His goal in life was to be a pirate, but he gets sea-sick.

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