Comments on: Making Fairer Fashion Media Strategy | Web Development | Video Production Mon, 17 Oct 2016 07:31:35 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jami Thu, 24 Jan 2013 20:16:54 +0000 The last time I sewed something it was by hand for Laura Ingalls Wilder day at my middle school (hey, it was Tennessee), and I have had no desire to pick up a needle since. I admire those who can knit and craft their way to cute skirts and mittens, and I enjoy shopping at the local craft fairs.

For me another alternative is buying locally made or made in U.S. One day I looked through my entire closet and only found maybe two articles of clothing that were made in this country. Not that being made in the U.S. eliminates all possibility of negative production practices, but I’d like to think there are some limitations. CNN put out a list of resources for Made in America products here, and there are many more artisan choices out there. Even though these items typically cost more, I find they are usually well-made and long-lasting, and can be a unique addition to your wardrobe.
