

Changing Media Sponsored Event: Purim PROMdemonium!

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Changing Media is proud to be a sponsor of one of the greatest parties of the year: Purim Pandemonium! This late night affair, held at the Jewish Museum of Maryland, features an open bar, refreshments, and music by DJ Sheeno for the low low price of $20 ($18 if you buy your tickets in advance!). It’s a theme party (costumes optional) and this year they’re celebrating PROM, Hollywood-style! It’s a night not to be missed. Ticket information is listed below.

Puirm 2013 Postcard Front Final

Purim PROMdemonium: Prom on the Big Screen
Saturday, February 23, 2013, 9pm-1am
at the Jewish Museum of Maryland at the Herbert Bearman Campus
15 Lloyd Street, Baltimore, MD 21202

From the event organizers:

“Best Night of Our Lives”…at least according to Hollywood! Come live out the Big Screen fantasy at Purim PROMdemonium! Whether it’s a Jon Hughes inspired affair or Stephen King scream-fest, now’s the time to make all your Prom dreams come true. Crown yourself Prom queen (or king), travel back in time for a totally 80s extravaganza or further back for a 1950s Under the Sea adventure. Maybe deal with some monster party crashers (or be the monster party crasher yourself) – anything goes when Purim meets Prom meets the Silver Screen!

Party-goers over age 21 (I.D required) can enjoy DJ Sheeno, an open bar (don’t forget the spiked punch!) and refreshments.

Tickets are $18 in advance, $20 at the door, and $15 each for groups of 10 or more. Available at www.jewishmuseummd.org/purim-pandemonium or by contacting Jennifer Vess at jvess@jewishmuseummd.org