What are you doing on Valentine’s Day this year? Are you crafting for good? Are you celebrating the birth of Anna Howard Shaw? Or are your rising up to end violence against women?
In yesterday’s inspiring post Shannon McGarry highlighted one of the many troubles women face as a result of widespread violence. One line particularly stuck with me, “Being able to go to the toilet without the fear of rape, sexual assault, physical abuse or humiliation is a human right.”
Yep, women have to fight for the right to shit.
Around the world women are denied basic human rights through violence. They are made weapons of war, exploited for economic opportunity, denied access to healthcare, and stripped of legal and economic power.
Lest we believe America is free of concern, let me remind you that one in five young women have been sexually assaulted. Factoring in unreported rapes, about 6 percent of rapists will ever spend a day in jail. Somewhere in America a woman becomes a victim of violence, usually by her intimate partner, every 15 seconds. As the proud owner of a vagina myself I’d like to be able to walk down my street, take a hike, or go to a party without fear of sexual harassment or violation.
So I’m here to reissue Shannon’s invitation to join One Billion Rising. In response to the one billion women who have suffered from violence, we are joining the movement and inviting one billion women and those who love them to come out, dance, rise up, and demand an end to this violence.
If you are in Baltimore join us this Thursday, February 14, also known as Valentine’s Day at 5:30pm at the Washington Monument. We’ll have signs, music, and plenty of energy to draw attention to this important issue. This is a time for Baltimore women and those that love them to stand up and support one another! You can find further event details here and in the flyer below. If you are not in Baltimore never fear! There are women rising everywhere! You can find an event in your area using this map.
Sure we’re not going to stop violence against women with one day of dancing and jubilation but we can call attention to this issue. We can come together and turn a statistic into a revolution. We can stand with the one billion women violated and become over a billion for change, for equality, for an end to violence.
Will you rise with us?