

by Shannon

The War on Poop – Toilet Hackers Flush With Success After First Sanitation Hackathon

By | Health, Oh Shit! | 3 Comments

As I’ve stated previously, new ideas and innovative solutions are critical to address the 2.5 billion people who lack access to proper sanitation. Lack of access to clean water and sanitation kills more than 4,000 children a day and results in billions of dollars in economic losses to developing countries. Given that more people have access to a mobile phone than to a toilet or latrine, Read More

Where Are the Toilets, Baltimore?

By | Health, Oh Shit! | 6 Comments

November 19th marks World Toilet Day – a day designated to raise global awareness of the struggle that 2.6 billion people face every day without access to proper, clean sanitation. While strolling through Baltimore a few days ago in search of a toilet, I had a “shitpiphany” and was reminded that toilet struggles are not struggles confined to the developing world.

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