
Quoth the Raven: “It’s On!”

By February 3, 2013 No Comments

So we tried to turn our little Twitter birdie icon into a Raven and change our logo colors to purple and gold in honor of our gridiron champions but our theme threw a hissy fit. (Not for nothing, but the guy who started WordPress is from San Fran – hmm.) No matter. Nothing we were going to do could be as cool as The Baltimore Love Project’s masterstroke above. Well played, Michael Owen and ChangeEngine blogger Scott Burkholder. And Go Ravens – let our scrappy, gaypositive crew crush those homophobic clowns.


IMAGE CREDIT. The Baltimore Love Project.


Author Hasdai Westbrook

Variously described as "ChangeMonger-in-Chief," "dreamer and schemer," and "evil genius for good," Hasdai is the founder of ChangingMedia, a digital agency that helps visionary organizations harness the power of new media to create social change. An enthusiastic passport collector, Hasdai became a U.S. citizen on the 4th of July and is a fierce patriot with little to no interest in soccer. He has transformed a derelict lot into a flourishing urban farm as co-founder of Exeter Gardens, and is trying to make textiles sing with the Synesthesia Musical Loom Project. He has been carjacked in Baltimore but still loves it. His goal in life was to be a pirate, but he gets sea-sick.

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