Sorry, too many Beatles songs growing up (a shiny British Penny, though, for anyone who names the title reference without the assistance of Google or other search engine.) To come to the point, we would like to extend our heartiest congratulations to Anna Evans-Goldstein -pictured above being attacked by a seashell – who has just been named the new coordinator of CGRN – the Community Greening Resource Network. Yes, Katie Dix‘s long reign of terror is over. (Just kidding, Katie.)
Anna comes fresh from her triumphs as a VISTA Coordinator with Power in Dirt. Because Galadriel “Gigi” Rosen holds down our territory through a combination of winning charm and brutal intimidation (just kidding, Gigi – please, no retaliatory beatings), Anna happened not to be our Power in Dirt coordinator, but we heard tremendous things. Among her many achievements, she apparently studied in Madagascar, which is just kind of awesome, and makes us jealous because WE want to go to Madagascar. Until Anna sets up a greening exchange program between urban greening projects in Baltimore and the lush jungle farms of Tsiroanomandidy, we’ll just have to make do with those fuzzy animal cartoons. Congratulations, Anna.